::Eponian Jedi Robes::

-Initial Reference-

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This picture has the the general look I want.. something distinctively Jedi-ish, but with a culture all its own. From this picture I will especially be using the top and the long jacket/over tunic.

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This concept from Jedi Academy is the source of my desired color scheme. Also I plan on making the belt more like this than the above, with these style tabard tails as well.

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While this is not likely to be the style of the pants or boots I did like the way the symbols ran down the side of the legs. My pants will do similarly.

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This shows how I would like the gauntlet gloves of the costume to look. Especially the length, fingerless style, and the straps with buckles.

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This picture is a good use of symbols on fabric. None of the costume will be based off of this.

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Another look at symbols, this time as tatoos. My character will not have tatoos, but I really liked the look of the symbols.

A possible look for the armband or armbands. See the description of Eponian Jedi Robes for further information (I will provide a link when the page is available).

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This is what I originally had in mind for the hair and headdress of the costume. The first two are more pictures of the same design as the original inspiration. The third is a variation on the partial up-do of the hair (sans headscarf). The last is what the look evolved into, with a headband/circlet rather than a scarf.

-New Vision-

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This is the new inspiration for the surcoat rather than the one in the first image. With this the blue trim that was on the tabard would now be on the edges of the coat (light brown in this picture). The color scheme from the Jedi Academy concept will stay. Also, I will still have the obi belt underneath this and the top is remaining basically the same.

1 - Click to see a larger image 2 - Click to see a larger image 3 - Click to see a larger image 4 - Click to see a larger image 5 - Click to see a larger image 6 - Click to see a larger image 7 - Click to see a larger image 8 - Click to see a larger image
Beginning with the idea to have a headband or circlet rather than a scarf (image 1), I began looking into a new look for the hair. First I thought to make the hair interesting through beaded headpeices and/or braids and loops (images 2 and 3), but felt much of what I found to be to regal and rich looking.. or too elf-like.

Next after seeing a promo image from Revenge of the sith (image 4) I thought to have a hood instead of a circlet. I wanted this to be somewhat more tribal than the RotS image, as it was still regal, but images 5 and 6 were too far to that extreme.

I went back to my inspiration from 'Scorpion King' and found the perfect medium. This headshawl has a little bit of beading around the edge for decoration and that cultural feel, but has the simplicity a Jedi should be wearing. Interestingly enough the fabric the headshawl is made from matches almost exactly the fabric I had already bought to make the surcoat from.


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NK Designs

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Graphics by: NK Designs