::Eponian Jedi Robes::

-Tunic Patterns-

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This will probably be the only pattern I will use for the majority of the costume. The short short-sleeved shirt will be suitable for the under tunic portion of the robes. While the longer version will work for the outer tunic/jacket. If needed I could also used the pants part fo the pattern.

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While this pattern will probably not be used, it is a good option for the outer tunic/jacket

-Cloak Pattern-

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This is one of the patterns recommended to use for the outer cloak. I will not be using it for this project, though I may be using the belt pattern.


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Here is the first sketch I made of how I wanted the costume to look. The notes on the sketch are in "Visual dictionary" style.

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This is a quick sketch I made of the new design for the surcoat and the headdress. I also sketched out some of the symbols for the surcoat's trim.

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A sketch of the brainstorming I did on details for the costume's armbands


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NK Designs

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Graphics by: NK Designs