::Ravenclaw Uniform::
-Uniform Reference-
This is a good image of the full "oldstyle" uniform. You can see the style of the sweater and the pleats in the skirt.
Another full length shot. Less clear overall, but a good shot of the entire ensemble. Can see the skirt hits the knew and the socks do not come up to the knee.
Image of sweater as sold by wizarduniforms.com. The white shirt and tie are not included. The image links directly to the site for ordering.
A good closeup of the socks and the tops of the shoes. Shows the style of the shoe as being mary jane, black and not paten.
Fairly good image of the new uniforms. Shows the white button-up shirt, new tie, and new cloak. Note that the new cloaks have a lining in house colors and appear to have a hood. The house crest is just visible on Harry's left side. Note also the tie stripes are different.
In this image Harry's sweater appears to be open, so that it is either zipped or buttoned up. Note it has house color stripes near the bottom edge.
This is another good shot of the cloak, but I wanted to show here the difference in the sweater. Unlike the picture above this sweater is a pull-over type. But notice it is a darker grey than the sweaters from the previous two movies.
This is a fuzzy shot of the back of the cloak. You can see that there is a hood which has house colors for a lining. Note the drape of the hood.
This is a nice close-up of the new ties. Note also that the cloak clasp seems different. Oh and for a side note I think that gold thing on the right is Hermione's time turner.
Close-up of a costumer's cloak clasp. Shows the style of the buttons and the diamond decorative shapes.
Costumer's example of a pocket in the cloak for the student's wand. Simply made, about 7 or 8 inches deep to hold the wand up to its handle.
Here is what the house sheild for Ravenclaw looked like in the movie. There are many different versions of this shield available, but this one is the one I liked the most. Note the mascot is a raven rather than an eagle as it is in the books.
This is the Ravenclaw version of the scarf. On the site all of the house color combinations are available, including both the blue/silver and blue/bronze combinations for Ravenclaw. These scarves only come in one size of about 6 feet in length.
Another site with scarves. This one too has all the house cominations from the books and movies, but also many other combinations. They have 4, 6, and 8 foot lengths, and also offer samples 6 inches long for $5.00 each
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