::The Final Truth::

You may think it sounds nice;
Well, I'll tell you:
Life for us hasn't been a crystal stair
But most of us remember,
A time when hope and love existed,
And life was worth living.
Then the punishment when our hearts went on a journey all alone

Well, it is over now; it is over.
And now the truth about here is out
All I think about is going home
Where I would be the head of the country,
And everything would be peaceful, like it once was.
When I dream I see people's faces
The faces that I no longer know or love,
And they call me home,
Out of the darkness,
Where I will know them again

- 4.17.98 -

© 2003 Katha's Realm
Graphics by: NK Designs


Katha's Realm
NK Designs