::A Tender Scene::
Katha stirred a little, smiling, her eyes still closed. Muted daylight spilled into the room through the thin screens and a gentle breeze made the sheer curtains wave softly. Katha’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she realized a hand was nudging her gently.
“Time to wake up, my love,” a voice said quietly.
Katha turned a little to look at her husband, Ghent. He was already dressed in casual clothes. “Mmm,” Katha sighed with a small stretch, “I could stay here all morning.”
“You almost have,” Ghent replied with a smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He quickly moved to help her as she sat up in the large bed. As he propped some of the bed’s many pillows behind her, he asked, “How are you feeling this morning?”