::In the Light of the Sun - Part I::

Kirana sheilded her silvery eyes as she stepped out on the deck of the ship. Will I ever be used to seeing more of the sun than the moon? she thought, as she gazed at the shimmering blue water.
This of course was not the first big change the fairly young night elf had encountered since beginning her journey, and she knew it certainly would not be the last. The ship she now sailed on was
carrying her away from her home in Teldrassil, not just to the mainland of Kalimdor, but to the Eastern Kingdoms far across the sea. Kirana pulled out the letter she had first received from the Temple.
She had read it many times since leaving Teldrassil to prove to herself that she was not dreaming and to remind herself of the vows she had made to do her duty in honor of Elune.

Acolyte Windstorm,
Your presence is requested by the servants of our Mother Moon.
Make haste to the Temple in Darnassus as soon as travel arrangements can be made.
Understand that this request is of the utmost importance.
Elune guide your path.
~ Priestess Alathea

Kirana neatly folded the letter and put it away. Gazing out over the water she thought back to just a few days before when she had begun her journey at the Temple of the Moon. . . .

Six Days Earlier – Darnassus, Teldrassil

Though she had been to the Temple many times before, Kirana still found its beauty breathtaking. When she reached the temple entrance she had to force herself not to stop once again and gaze
at the glorious statue gracing the center courtyard. Water cascaded from a bowl in the female figure’s upward-stretched arms into a pool below, embraced from above by the warmth of Elune’s lumious glow.

Throngs of night elves gathered in the moonlit gardens. Worshippers were here seeking blessings and guidance from the priestesses, while novices meditated and sought to learn the craft of priesthood.
Above the courtyard, balconies ringed the circular temple, where the elder priestesses met to discuss Elune’s will. Astarii Starseeker was there to greet Kirana when she arrived. Kirana bowed respectfully
to the senior priestess. “Elune’s light shine upon you, mistress,” she greeted with deference.

“There is no need for a novice’s greeting, sister,” the girl replied kindly, signaling for Kirana to rise from her bow and follow. “Priestess Alathea would like to speak with you immediately.”
Priestess Starseeker walked quickly to a nearby corridor and Kirana followed close behind.

The room at the other end of the corridor was a stark contrast to the bustling central room. Where the main room had been alive with the sound of chanting and chatter, this room was deathly silent.
Kirana was almost afraid to breath. Even the conversation going on between Priestess Alathea and an armor-clad sentinal did not attempt to slice through the thick silence. Kirana glanced around the room
seeing a table covered with reports, charts, and maps near the pair. This looks more like a war room than the study of a priestess . . . what’s going on?

As if reading her thoughts, Priestess Alathea turned toward her and smiled. The sentinal saluted and left the room silently.

“I hope the journey from Dolonaar has found you well, Kirana,” Alathea said, sitting in a large chair next to the table.

Kirana was stunned for a moment at the elder priestess’ breach of tradition. Not only had the priestess not invoked the customary greetings, but she had also addressed Kirana by name rather than acolyte or child.
Such strays from the norm were uncommon among her people. She made a quick bow as she answered, “Yes it has found me quite well, mistress.” At a gesture from the other elf calling her forward, Kirana made
to kneel infront of the chair to receive a blessing. The priestess stopped her before she could do so.

“You need not ask for the blessings of Mother Moon from me, dear one. It is clear to me that Elune’s light shines upon you,” Priestess Alathea replied. Then she gestured to another chair Kirana had not noticed before.
Kirana sat quickly, eager to know what the temple wished of her.

“I am sure you are wondering why we have called you here, so I wil get to the point,” Alathea continued. “As you know, our people and other in the Alliance banded together with the orcs to rid this world of the
Burning Legion. In recent years, the weak thread linking us with the Horde has severed. You may have heard of troubles brewing in the lands bordering Darkshore.”

“Unfortunately, this has now gone far beyond small border skirmished. Though High Priestess Tyrande and General Shandris have increased the number of sentinals in our lands, our allies still require assistance.
I feel you should be one of those sent. You share the love for all living things that the High Priestess has been teaching us all. I know you will defend and protect those in your charge as if they were your own family.
And though you will smite those who have fallen to darkness, you will also show compassion. I will not tell you that this will be easy, but I hope you will understand the necessity.
Will you accept the path Elune has deemed we place before you?”

Kirana did not have to ponder long to know what was in her heart. This sort of mission was exactly what she had always felt she should do. Deep in the pit of her gut she did not want to go so far away
from all she knew, yet she knew she must.

“I will do as Elune calls me,” she replied, bowing her head reverently.

“Bless you, sister,” Alathea said, her eyes almost gleaming. “Come then, Priestess Windstorm. The journey is long and you must prepare for the path.”

Barely an hour later, Kirana was dressed in ceremonial robes. The gleaming silvery fabric was sheer and reflected the moonlight so that the night elf appeared clothed in the light itself. She cleansed herself
in the waters of the moonpool and let her dark blue hair flow over her slender shoulders. Raising her arms and eyes up toward the sky she whispered prayers for guidance and protection. The other priestesses
invoked blessings upon her. Kirana walked reverently and barefooted to Priestess Alathea and knelt before her. The priestess placed her hand to Kirana’s forehead.

“Mother Moon bless this your daughter. May your grace shine through her. May your light guide her. May you enlighten her journey. Elune be praised.”

“Elune be praised,” Kirana repeated with the other priestesses.

A novice moved to stand next to where Kirana still knelt. Priestess Alathea took a neatly folded robe from another priestess and stepped back infront of Kirana and the novice.

“Kirana Windstorm, do you promise to shield others against the darkness of evil, to allow Elune’s grace to shine through you?”

“I do,” Kirana replied. The priestess presented the novice Kirana’s robes. The novice accepted with a bow and placed them carefully next to Kirana’s feet.

“Elune be praised,” intoned the other priestesses.

“Kirana Windstorm, will you fight for truth in honor of our Mother Moon, even should your own light fade?”

Kirana’s voice threatened to falter, but she spoke out clear and strong. “I will.”

“Elune be praised.” The novice accepted a small dagger for Kirana.

“Kirana Windstorm, will you guide others, as Elune guides you?”

“I will.”

A glowing staff was placed at her feet.

“Elune be praised.”

“Then rise, daughter of the moon, and walk the path Elune has placed before you.”

And so Kirana, began her journey the next day, her first to be spent in the light of the sun. In addition to her gifts from the temple, she was given a pack with provisions for the journey.
Also, some vials and herbs to make tinctures and cloth for bandages. Lastly, some clothes better suited for travel including an old floppy hat to sheild her eyes in the foreign light of the sun.
Kirana thought this would look rather silly on her head, but was thankful for its presence.

Boarding the boat out of Rut’Theran Village she gazed one last time at the green forests of Teldrassil, then turned to look out on the sea.


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