Sagara Residence
Lynsor, Balmorra

Work was fairly slow today.
I finished early and spent most of the afternoon in Mr. Sagara’s study researching my history paper.

Sagara Residence
Lynsor, Balmorra

Turned in my history paper today. I stayed up rather late last night reviewing and revising it.
I am feeling fairly good about the result though. I think I will get at least a satisfactory grade on it.

On Route to Sobrik, Balmorra

A huge winter storm blew in three nights ago. Of course it was only rain, wind and thunder, no snow like on Epona.
The wind uprooted a couple of Lady Sagara's Eponian trees and the rain battered a lot of the plants.
Some of the more delicate plants may be too battered to bloom come spring, but I'm sure Mr. Sagara will probably see to it that there are replacements.

Thankfully it let up early this morning before Mr. Sagara and I had to leave for Sobrik.
I really hate traveling in bad weather.

Since Sobrik is so far from Lynsor and Mr. Sagara has several things to attend to, we'll be staying there two nights there.
I hope that I will have a chance to browse around the holobook sellers and Musician's Quarter.
Adele brought out some old music recordings my mother used to listen to, and I have taken a liking to the traditional instruments played in them.
I want to see if there have been any new groups bringing back that kind of sound.
If not at least I should be able to find some old recordings to add to my collection.

Sobrik, Balmorra

My room here is huge! There is even a little kitchen; not that I know how to use it very well.

On the way here, Mr. Sagara noticed me putting my last entry into my datapad and confided that he keeps a journal of all the new places and people he comes across in his travels.
He asked me if there was anything I was planning on doing during our free time in Sobrik, so I told him about wanting to go to the Musician's Quarter and look for some music recordings.
He got an odd smile on his face and told me that my father had also liked the traditional instruments my mother liked and that my father had first met her when she was studying music.
"He used to sit and listen to your mother play for hours when they first married," Mr. Sagara said.
I wondered for a moment why Adele had never mentioned my father liking the music too, but then I realized she probably hadn't known either, since she had only come to work for
my parents a short time before my mother died.

After we checked into the hotel, I came up to my room to put my bag away and clean up a little for dinner. While I was getting ready, Zevon sent me a report.
He says Tyker continues to stay as quiet as he has been the last couple of months.
He also noted there was still no lead on where Katha went.
There was a rumor of someone fitting her description being seen on Epona, but further investigation came up with nothing else.

I better hurry down to dinner before the Mr. Sagara thinks I got lost.


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