Sagara Residence
Lynsor, Balmorra

So, it is back to the normal routine today.

- wake up early for meditation
- read the morning news with some tea
- check in with Colin in security
- breakfast with Mr. Sagara and Lady Sagara
- off to do whatever Mr. Sagara wants me to do today
- short afternoon break
- back to work
- dinner with Mr. Sagara and Lady Sagara (usually rather late)
- work on my correspondence courses until I go to bed

I used to hate these kinds of days, but now I find them so much easier to deal with.
Sure, I was grateful to have a week off from work, but I was more than ready to return to my normal routine.

I spent the rest of the holiday enduring Adele's motherly affection. I tried for her sake to enjoy myself as much as I could.
Gods help her; she does try so hard to make me happy. She sent me back to the Sagaras with a box full of sweets and other food.
You would think Lady Sagara lets me starve seeing all the food Adele put in there. I knew I'd never eat it all before it spoiled
so I offered about half the box to the girl who brings me fresh towels – Tala I think her name is – to share with her friends.
I don't think I've ever seen someone turn so red before, but she seemed appreciative anyway.

I had better get moving or it will have been pointless to wake up early.

Later - Afternoon Break

Mr. Sagara has put me in charge of overseeing inventory for the technologies division. This is a great responsibility, because the outcome
of the inventory will determine what funds we receive from the Balmorran government in the coming year.
Mr. Sagara also wants me to accompany him to Sobrik next week. He is looking to acquire a holobook making company there.

I don't think I could ever thank the Sagaras for all they have done for me in the past year.
It makes me regret all the more the danger I may have placed them in.

I better return to work. I need to finish quickly today if I'm going to have time to begin writing the paper I have due later this week in my history course.


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