Note: BE = Before Battle of Endor, AE = After Endor
24 years BE
22 years BE
19 years BE
17 years BE
15 years BE
14 years BE
11 years BE
7 years BE
4 years BE
2 years BE
1 year BE
0 years BE/AE
2 years AE
3 years AE
4 years AE
5 years AE- Present
Another few months later as Black Sun Dominion is breaking up Katha joins the Rebel Alliance.
Quinn Sagara meets Brisia Nashira on Epona.
Brisia leaves Epona to marry Quinn, vowing to teach her children Eponian ideals
and to return each year for archiving. They live on Quinn’s homeworld, Balmorra.
Quinn and Brisia have their first child, a daughter named Corinna.
Quinn gains ownership of his father’s factory lands and begins working to increase
his land holdings and fortune.
Quinn’s best friend, Gavin Kintara and his wife have a son named Xanin.
Quinn and Brisia have their second daughter, Katha. Quinn and Gavin arrange
for Katha and Xanin to marry when Katha is 17.
Katha, age 3, begins studying about Eponian culture and tradition, some Jedi
teachings are included.
At age 7, Katha begins her combat lessons. She is told that she will be sent to Epona
for further studies when she is 14.
Corinna begins to rebel against her Eponian teaching, but is sent to Epona to study
anyway. Shortly after Corinna leaves, Katha begins to become restless in her
At age 12, Katha learns of her betrothal to Xanin. Refusing to be kept on Balmorra
all her life, she leaves in search of adventure, not intending to stay away longer than
a few months.
Corinna has renounced her Eponian heritage, but saves face by marrying
Kamrin Sylmani, the only son of Alden Sylmani, and important Balmorrian
Battle of Endor occurs.
Emperor Palpatine is killed.
Balmorra secretly beginsto supply the Rebel Alliance with weapons and other military goods.
Quinn and Brisia stop sending people to search for Katha but continue to tell friends
that she has been kidnapped by pirates.
Xanin learns from his father about the deal made with Quinn for factory lands upon his
marriage to Katha. Now with Corinna’s denouncement the inheritance would double.
Katha travels with Ghost Legion pirates.
Tyker Spince and his father Oron arrive on Balmorra.
Gavin Kintara dies suddenly.
Tyker and Xanin meet for the first time. Tyker discusses his plans to bring back
Offworld Mining Corporation. Xanin vows to find Katha with the intention of
marrying her and using the inherited factory lands as a starting block for Offworld.
Katha joins the Empire.
Offworld’s headquarters secretly opens on land Xanin inherited from his late father.
Six months later, Katha is the Executive Officer of the Knight of Darkness. Weary of
The daily grind, she takes an assignment to investigate a possible rebel spy among the
Imperial governors. This assignment is to be followed by three weeks leave. While
investigating at the suspected governor’s estate, Katha is kidnapped by Xanin. He tells
her that her family is in danger and she must return to Balmorra. Rebel agents sent by an
old friend break into the Offworld complex and rescue Katha, informing her of Xanin’s
true intentions.
Note: Betrayal From the Past is set during this time
Approximately six months after her ordeal with Xanin, Katha, now a member of Black Sun Dominion,
returns to her homeworld to beat Xanin at his own game. During this time she meets Admiral Ghent.
Katha feels she has found her place and moves into her mother’s family’s estate on Epona to
finally finish her studies.
Katha enrolls in the Jedi Academy and also in Firestorm brigade.
She uses her archiving skills to maintain a Galactic Library.