Katha was looking at a shimmersilk dress in dark blue when she felt a firmilar presence through the Force. She slipped behind a nearby column and looked around. On the other side of a display of perfumes she saw him.
Oh no anyone but Xanin. Xanin had been trying to court her just before she had left Balmorra. She was sure what her parents had told all their friends about what had happened to her and she didn't feel much like striking up a casual conversation with her past.
I've got to get out of here before he sees me, she thought. "Excuse me, miss. Are you going to buy that dress?"
Katha spun around. She hadn't even noticed the saleslady standing behind her. "Uh, yes I think I will," she said.
The saleslady led her over to the checkout counter. "That will be 2000 credits, miss," said the saleslady. Katha quietly took out her credit card and handed it to her. The lady took it and said, "Could I see some ID please?"
Katha handed the woman her ID card without any thought. The saleslady scanned her card and matched it to her ID. Then she handed her the cards and a bag with the dress in it back. Katha turned quickly without a word and headed for the door. Then the saleslady called, "Thank you, Ms. Sagara, and come back again." Katha winced
I knew I should have used my other ID. She sped up and walked out of the store, hoping maybe Xanin hadn't heard. No such luck. She suddenly felt someone grab her shoulder to stop her. "Sagara? Katha Sagara?" Xanin asked, almost playfully, as if he didn't know for sure. Katha turned around. She tried to keep her face neutral but ended up glancing down at the floor. "I knew it! I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. What are you doing way out here?! Everyone back home thinks you were kidnapped and murdered or something!" Katha looked at him startled. "They do?! Who told them that?" "Your parents told everyone you had been kidnapped by some pirates or Imperials or something. We were all afraid you were dead. I can't wait to get back home and tell everyone that you're ok….and rich too" Xanin smiled, "I mean how else could you have bought that dress, unless you were a pirate, but then you wouldn't need to buy it. Of course you might be able to if you were some Imperial Moff or something too." Xanin
laughed like it was some sort of joke, but Katha couldn't help frowning. Xanin noticed and said "Katha, what is it? What did I say?"
Katha looked at him for a moment.
"They really didn't tell you what actually happened to me, did they?"
Xanin got a confused look on his face, "I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean?" "I wasn't kidnapped, Xanin." . . .
If I act natural maybe he won't even notice I'm here.But even as she thought it he came toward the counter. Katha pulled her hood a little further on her head and willed him not to see her. Luckily, he just asked the saleslady a question and turned away without a second glance.