Three months later....
Katha watched wispy clouds curl over the brilliant blue and green surface of Epona. She had traveled here at least once each of her twelve years, but never had the planet looked so beautiful.
The shuttle descended softly through the layers of clouds to a stone landing pad below. Katha was amazed at how the man-made structures flowed into their natural surroundings here.
Katha had a driver take her to her family’s estate disguised as a maid. She had made arrangements to live at the residence while she studied at the Temples of Caicus and Tanais. She had told the staff only that she wished to return to her family with the proper education and that she wished to surprise them with her return. They had gladly agreed to tell no one, thrilled to have their young mistress back safely and please to be a part of such a pleasant surprise.
The head housekeeper greeted her warmly when the driver was out of sight. “Miss Katha, it’s so good to have you back with us!” she exclaimed, hugging Katha tightly.
“It’s good to be home, Marie,” Katha replied with a sweet smile. She reluctantly allowed her bags to be carried up to her room. Marie showed her where anything she might need could be found and introduced her to Phoebe, whom she had assigned as Katha’s personal assistant. Katha thanked the woman kindly and assured Phoebe several times that she did not need help dressing, finally allowing the nervous girl to draw a bath for her.
With the servants finally attending to other duties, Katha took her bath and settled into her room for the night.
The next day Katha awoke early and had a public transport drop her off at the Temples of Caicus and Tanais. Inside a kind old man greeted her and asked if she needed some help. She told the man that she wished to be trained. The man nodded and led her to the council room.
The room was designed much like that of the High Council on Coruscant in the time of the Old Republic. Yet here the rooms showed all the traditional aspects of any other Eponian room. All elements in the room were or at least seemed to be made from natural materials.
Katha bowed respectfully before the men and women seated in a semi-circle around her. Each and every one of the council nodded a bow in return.
“What brings you before us, young one?” one of the men asked.
“I wish to study at the temples masters,” Katha replied, her voice sounding surprisingly strong compared to how she felt inside.
“I sense a strong presence within you. Am I correct to say that you have been trained before?” a female council member inquired.
“Yes, ma’am. Unfortunately my former training was taught by a Sith Master. I have since realized the error in my path and I wish to begin anew.”
“Very well, we are happy to welcome any student, especially those who have only found us with effort,” the male replied, then asked, “Who is your mother, child?”
“Lady Brisia Nashira, now Brisia Sagara,” Katha answered with a bit of effort. Then stepping slightly out of form she added, “May I make a request for my own benefit?”
A few in the council exchanged glances but the female who has spoken before answered, “You may make any request you like, but we will determine whether or not it will be granted.”
Katha nodded her understanding and began. “I left my family’s home on Balmorra when I was twelve and wandered around with pirates for a little while before I joined the Empire. Recently, about three months ago, I was kidnapped by my betrothed and forced to resign my position within the Empire. I hope to return to Balmorra and my family, but my betrothed plots against them. I know I must confront him, but I wish to do so on the correct path.”
“And what exactly is your request?” interrupted the male council member softly.
“My name is Katha Sagara, but while I am here I wish to be known as Ciriena Maia so that my family will be surprised by my return. I know this seems devious, but I feel in my heart it is for their best interest in this situation,” Katha replied.
“Very well, Ciriena Maia, your request is accepted,” the male said after several minutes of conference with the council members around him.
Inwardly, Katha leaped for joy as she bowed again to the council and was shown to her new quarters. This will be a new beginning, she thought.
Over the last three months Corinna had learned more about combat than she ever learned as a child. Tyker was a wonderful instructor and also, as she now knew well, a passionate lover. Yes, she had changed as much as she had learned and she had no regrets.
With Kamrin often busy and away with work it had been easy to slip away from the house to meet Tyker. At first she was hesitant and ignored his flirtatious nature. Soon though she could no longer deny her ravenous hunger for him and for the power he promised to teach her to wield. Indeed she could wield a great power now. I will make you pay, Katha, you’ll see, Corinna thought as she furiously twirled her recently constructed lightsaber. The red glow which that brightly shown from its blade matched perfectly the hateful rage which now burned deeply inside of her.
To Be Continued...
The Saga Continues with Shadows of the Future