Chapter 6: Preparations
Katha awoke early on the day of the party. She knew she would not be able to take her lightsaber along on this trip for undercover reasons, so she opted to strap a small, concealable, vibrodagger to her leg. She secured all of her important items in a safe place, so no nosey cleaning maids would get into them in her absence. Katha quickly put on the gown she had picked out for the party. It fit snuggly, but not uncomfortably on her body. The dress was dyed in a dark blue color and the soft, silky material shimmered in several different silvery-blue tones when she turned slowly in front of the mirror. "Now the hard part," she whispered to her reflection as she sat down at the vanity table. She combed out her raven black hair and proceeded to twist sections of it into an elaborate Eponian hairstyle. This took several tries, but after a remarkably short time, in her opinion, she had achieved a tasteful and suitable diplomatic appearance. She added a final touch with a bit of powder and lip color. Then she gathered her cape and decorative bag and left the hotel.
Once Xanin and Zevon took their hostages back to a secure place, they each returned to their rendezvous point to prepare for the governor's party. A member of the Coruscant Offworld unit had managed to create identification for their covers at the party. Xanin reviewed his files once again to grasp the character of his identity. "I hope neither of these supposed small businessmen are connected with the governor's family. It would be kind of hard to pass as an old friend of the family." Zevon commented blankly. "You worry too much, my friend." Xanin said, adjusting his collar in the mirror, "You found nothing to connect them directly to the governor or his family and neither did Colin. Just relax and enjoy an evening of partying." Zevon nodded stiffly in obedience as they both left the meeting place for final preparations.
Oridin sat at his datapad, already dressed in a suit for the upcoming party. He inserted a datacard his team had managed to copy while Perin and he were in the Talon's Claw. The card was full of information about Xanin and Zevon's mission on Coruscant. Most of the files had to do with travel arrangements and meeting places. One file, however, caught Oridin's attention. It was titled Mining Planets. Oridin looked through the list of planets
Oridin clicked on Kessel to see what kind of information the links contained. He only saw statistical information of the type of mining done on Kessel, but he still looked through some of the other planets. He decided to look at the stats for Balmorra, since it was the home planet listed in Xanin's files on Katha. When he clicked on the link for Balmorra, he saw an unusual symbol about halfway through the text. It was very small and blended in with the text so well he almost looked right over it. The symbol was composed of two broken circles that seemed to spell the initials OC. Oridin clicked on the tiny link. He took one look at the information that came up and immediately contacted Eagle.
"So why are they really kidnapping Katha?" Eagle asked Oridin.
"According to this information, Xanin is planning to restart a long-dead mining corporation called Offworld. The thing is, he plans to do this by bribing Quinn Sagara, Katha's father, out of pieces of his factory lands, and mining those lands, eventually buying out the rest of the land. He'll use the Sagara factories as a cover for Offworld and most likely kill Katha and her family once their purpose is served." Oridin explained.
"Don't add your own speculations, Oridin. We only checked this situation out to see how it would affect the Alliance. While I am not allowed to help Katha in any personal way, Balmorra's governor has been happy to provide the Alliance with weapons. Therefore, I will see if you are permitted to intervene in some way. Until then, go to Governor Ansant's party and give Katha a warning. She may not listen, but that is all we can do, for now" Eagle decided.
Oridin's hologram bowed in silent acknowledgement and disappeared as Eagle ended the transmission.
Slipping immediately into her role for the night, Katha allowed a man entering the party to escort her into the governor's house. The large house seemed cold and stony on the outside, which Katha thought unusual for a residence. Inside, however, was bright and rather exquisite even for an Imperial governor. As the gentleman left her company, Katha took in every aspect of the room. To the common onlooker she seemed to be admiring the splendid interior, but in fact, she was analyzing her surroundings. Upon entering the main reception room, the flickering presence of another Force-sensitive being, faded away. Katha wondered if the presence had been there at all. Across from her, no more that ten meters, the governor was being presented with a gift. The animal was like nothing she had ever seen before. Must be some rare exotic animal, Katha thought. She turned toward the refreshment tables to mingle with some guests there and bumped right into a man.
"Oh pardon me, miss." the man said politely, with a smile. But when she looked straight into his face his eyes seemed to register some recognition at her face.
"It's alright," she muttered, slightly out of character and moved to pass by him. He let her do so, but turned so that when he spoke again, his lowered voice was right in her ear.
"I know who you are, Lady Katha." Katha stopped in her tracks. She forced a pleasant smile and a look of confusion.
"Excuse me, but you have mistaken me for someone else. I am Lady Brigit Darkfyre, not whomever you said," she replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.
"Excuse me, miss, but I don't make mistakes. You are Katha Sagara. Your father is Quinn, your mother, Brisia. You have one sister, Corinna, and I need to talk to you alone. Let's go someplace more . . . private."
Katha blinked at his boldness. She wanted to ask how he knew these things, but she knew she couldn't. Instead she pretended to take offense. "I will not go off somewhere with you, no matter who you think I am!" she whispered harshly.
"You don't understand," he pleaded, "Your family is in danger!"
Katha could not help the shocked glance she gave the man, "I - I don't believe you!" she said proudly and stalked off.
Zevon entered the reception room a safe distance behind Xanin. When he entered, he noticed Katha observing the interior of the long room. He also noted that she seemed not to notice the presence of Xanin. Zevon moved, barely noticed past her and over to where Governor Ansant stood among some friends, receiving gifts. He knew that Katha's perceptions through the Force were now cut off because of the gift he was about to present to the governor. Governor Ansant noticed the strange creature he was toting immediately, and excused himself from his circle to investigate it.
"What is this . . ." the governor paused, not certain what to call it. Zevon set the creature, within its unique frame at Governor Ansant's feet.
"This is a rare and special gift, just for you, sir" Zevon explained sappily, "This and a small but generous payment of support are part of a proposal I'd like to offer."
"Oh really?" Governor Ansant said carefully, "Just what exactly is this proposal?"
"Look around yourself, Governor, and tell me what you see. I see a house packed full of people, most of them loyal to the Empire." Zevon stepped closer to the governor, so as to be discreet. "Now, tell me, Governor, what exactly would happen if even one of these fine people found out about your connections with the Rebellion?"
"I don't - know what you're talking about." the governor said, grinning like Zevon had told him a funny joke. Yet Zevon could see behind the smile he was willing to do anything to keep his secret safe. "What do you want?" Ansant whispered.
"I propose a trade; silence for silence. There is a girl here, who is not who she says she is. In fact, she's here investigating you. If you don't allow my partner and I to remove her from this estate and return her to where she is supposed to be, then we will make sure she is the first to know about your treason." Zevon replied severely.
"Alright, but if you break your end of the bargain I'll drag you down with me." Governor Ansant swallowed.
Zevon smirked, "Then we have a deal." Then he turned to go find Xanin, as well as Katha who had suddenly disappeared.
Oridin stood there in silence as he watch Katha leave in a huff. I know I'm not supposed to interfere, he thought, with a sigh, But it would be a worse crime to stand by and let her be kidnapped, even if she is an Imperial. He casually walked in the direction she had gone off in. He tried to search for her presence with the Force, but suddenly remembered that Xanin had had Zevon bring several ysalamiri as gifts for the governor. He knew there had to be more than one in the area because he was well outside the single ysalamir's range and still could not feel the Force. At least it prevents Xanin from knowing I'm here, Oridin thought. He paused in a long corridor. To his left was a large courtyard garden. Unfortunately he could not see very far into it, because its high grown flowers seemed to be making a wall. From what Oridin could tell, the "wall" was part of an intricate maze. Anyone could be hiding there. Perfect for kidnapping someone, he thought solemnly. But where was the entrance? Oridin could see no way down the hallway in either direction which looked like it opened to the courtyard. It must be in the residential wing, he concluded, and set off further down the corridor.