Chapter 3: Premonitions
Sub 3. Sub 4.
Xanin sat up with a jolt. What a strange dream, he thought. Then he noticed Zevon was staring back at him from the pilot's seat. "What was all that about?" Zevon said, looking slightly concerned. Xanin blinked and rubbed his eyes. "What do you mean?" Xanin asked, not quite understanding Zevon. "You were saying some numbers and words I couldn't understand, then you suddenly screamed, and sat up in your sleep. Then you woke up." Xanin just looked at him and then started pacing Around the small area. "Well?" Zevon said anxiously, "What was all that about?" he repeated. Xanin stopped pacing and sat down again. "I'm not sure, but it had something to do with the dream I was having." He looked up and out of the window "Are we close?" "Yeah, I was going to wake you up as soon as we came out of hyperspace but you were having the dream right as I exited. The co-ordinates say that we should be right about here. Now, lets see if this was worth our money." The watched out the view port for approaching ships. An alarm suddenly went off and Zevon looked at the control panel. "Looks like we have company coming up from behind." "Let's hope it's welcome company." Xanin replied. "We're being hailed." He flipped the comm channels. A voice came on one of the channels. Royal Savage, this is the Vengeance, please halt your course and state your business in this sector." Zevon took the comm unit "Vengeance, this is the Royal Savage, we are here on business with Eagle." There was a pause on the other end. Zevon cast a worried glance at Xanin. Xanin sat attentively as if hearing something Zevon could not hear. The comm crackled back on. "Royal Savage, submit the information encoded on your datacard." Zevon flipped some switches and in a few minutes the voice returned. "Proceed into the docking bay and wait in your ship." "Acknowledged." Zevon replied, then switched the comm off. He turned the ship towards the Vengeance's docking bay and started the landing process.
She's in a small room with plants. The light flickers.
Katha started. What was that? She thought. She had often heard of Force-sensitive people having visions, but had never experienced one herself. No, it was just a strange dream, she told herself. She looked out the window and saw what had really woken her up. The shuttle was lowering into Coruscant's atmosphere. Luckily, it seemed there was no storms to delay their landing. The ship drifted down through the shield openings to a landing pad far below. The lights of the city sparkled but were not bright enough to dispel the fast coming night. The attendant told the passengers to remain seated until the shuttle landed. As it landed with a soft bump, Katha stood quickly and grabbed her bag. The passengers filed out to be checked by security guards lined at all of the entrances. Katha took out the identification she was supposed to use on this trip. She handed it to the guard who scanned it and then scanned her for unauthorized weapons. "Move through," he directed, handing back her ID. Katha quickly moved through the gate, and onto the skyhook she was scheduled for. A few minutes later she arrived at the Hotel Reesbon. She checked in at the desk and was escorted to a small, but luxurious room in the East Wing. Apparently, a package had been placed there for her arrival. Katha carefully opened the package and emptied it out on the bed. Her lightsaber was among the contents. Also a small blaster and vibroblade were there, along with some other items. She took out her dress and other clothes and hung them in the wardrobe. Then there was a knock at the door. Katha checked the area with the force then carefully went to the door and opened it. "What is it?" she asked the woman who stood at the door. She wore a uniform that led Katha to believe she was part of the hotel staff. "Pardon me for disturbing you, miss," she replied in a meek voice, "but I've come to see if you need new sheets." "I don't think I need new sheets. I've only been here five minutes." Katha replied, starting to shut the door. The woman fidgeted before responding. "Would you mind if I checked the sheets? A new maid forgot to change them in some of these rooms." Katha paused, thinking. "Why not, just stay here and let me clear my luggage." The woman nodded as Katha returned to the bedroom. She pulled her bags off of the bed and was removing the contents of the package when she heard the floor creak near the bedroom door. She quickly stashed the contents into the wardrobe drawer and slammed it shut. The woman busted through the door, carrying crisp, neatly folded sheets. Katha resisted the urge to scold the little woman for not staying at the door till she called her. The woman changed the sheets even though the old ones seemed clean and unused. "There you are, miss. I'll be on my way now," she said, as she bowed quickly and back out the door. "Thank you." Katha muttered, watching the woman and bolted the inside lock. What a strange woman, she thought.
Tyker Spince waited at his station in the Offworld Headquarters for Xanin and Zevon to contact him. The comm unit suddenly beeped. That was quick, he thought, surely they couldn't have reached Eagle already. He picked up the unit. "Spince here." he answered. "Hello Tyker, this is Chu'dak." A female voice replied. "Akarnah! Where are you calling from? Are you sure this is a secure frequency!?" "Yes, yes I'm sure! Listen! You haven't talked to Kintara yet, have you?" "Not yet" Tyker replied tiredly "He hasn't called." "Good." Akarnah said with a relieved sigh, "Tell him something for me. The girl he's tracking. That Jedi girl. She just checked into the Hotel Reesbon. She must have some insiders around here too, cause she got weapons delivered to her doorstep." "Ok, I'll tell him." Tyker replied. "And tell him to be careful, she was watching me like a hawk the whole time I was changing her sheets." Then Akarnah suddenly cut the comm. Tyker turned the comm back, shaking his head in amusement at Akarnah. Poor girl, he thought, Always doing the dirty work around here.
"Why down?"
He sees nothing but thick darkness.
Sub 5 and still nothing.
A shuddering bang.
"We're ruined!"
And still blackness . . .
A noise . . . nothing there.
Or is there?
A hand covers her face . . . no screams
THUD and darkness . . .